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The Reading Corner is a dedicated organisation that strives to bridge the literacy gap among marginalised youth in schools, hospitals, and underserved communities.


There are 400.000 children in the UK who don't own a single book. Almost 3M children don't see themselves represented in the books they read.

Our Vision

Our non-profit represents the evolution of philanthropy and seeks to engage new generations of donors who believe in using charity work to address inequality. We aim to cultivate a community of like-minded individuals dedicated to making a positive impact on the world.

Our Mission

The mission of The Reading Corner is to bring literature to disadvantaged communities and promote diversity and inclusivity in the publishing industry. We aim to create meaningful literary experiences for both writers and readers, empowering new voices to make a positive impact and inspire change.




We explore new approaches, perspectives and ideas to address what matters most to the people and communities we serve.


We value the transformative power of partnerships based on trust and respect. By working together, we can create a more positive and lasting impact on our community.


We are committed to diversity, equity and inclusion. We seek and embrace the participation and perspective of people and communities that reflect who we are as a society.


Empowering the Future

  • Improving the lives of underprivileged children by enhancing their literacy skills, confidence, and aspirations.

  • Offering a more engaging approach to teaching literacy by focusing on developing a love for reading.

  • Conducting innovative research to eliminate the literacy gap in the UK.

Amplifying Underrepresented Voices

  • Championing underrepresented authors via #TRCASKS interviews on the blog and social media.

  • Creating a safe place for all creators to be their true selves, speak up and promote their ideals and work.

  • Highlighting and campaigning against systemic injustices that exist in the industry.

Opening Doors to the Publishing Industry

  • Mentorship Programme for students from marginalised and underrepresented communities.

  • Highlighting intersectional barriers in the publishing industry.

  • Working towards breaking down barriers to entry and creating more opportunities for underrepresented groups in publishing.

Inspiring the Next Generation of Social Change Makers

  • Encouraging young people to explore their passions and find causes they care about.

  • Designing and implementing new and innovative fundraising channels and activities.

  • Celebrating and amplifying the voices of young people who are already making a difference.

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