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Our Book Club brings together intersectional readers from all walks of life to celebrate unique stories from underrepresented authors, highlighting cultures, identities and experiences from diverse backgrounds. When you join our community, you'll connect with people who share your enthusiasm for lifelong learning. Engage in meaningful discussions, exchange book recommendations, and discover new perspectives that broaden your horizons.


By becoming a member, you'll have access to exclusive events, workshops, and discussions led by experts in various fields. Immerse yourself in a supportive environment where curiosity is celebrated and knowledge is shared.

Image by Shiromani Kant


Diversify your book shelf with the best selection of fiction books across all genres.

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Join our amazing Book Club to be a part of an amazing community of like-minded readers.

Image by Beth Macdonald


Discover monthly exciting digital and in-person events and fundraisers.

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Be part of a like-minded group of individuals who thrive on knowledge and the joy of books.

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Read, Learn and Support

Join the Book Club now to discover the stories that matter most, from the authors that give a voice to the silenced.


With an incredible selection of books from a wide range of authors, The Reading Corner offers you the opportunity to escape into the pages of new and exciting stories, create valuable connections and be a part of a warm, encouraging community.


Our Memberships

Friend Subscription


  • A monthly book title and Book Club meeting

  • Personalised Donor Badge

  • 10% off Books That Matter Subscription

  • Virtual Events including exclusive live author Q&As

  • Subsidised tickets for in-person events

Supporter Subscription


Everything in the Friend Subscription level plus:

  • Entry to our monthly Book Giveaway

  • Subsidised entry to our yearly Readathon Fundraising Challenge

Sustainer Subscription


Everything in the Friend and Supporter Subscription levels plus:

  • Free entry to our yearly Readathon Fundraising Challenge

*All proceeds from our book club go directly to our charitable programmes, which provide schools and disadvantaged communities with the resources they need to improve their literacy and communication skills. Join us today and help us continue to make a positive difference in people’s lives.

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